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蓮花蓮葉冷製皂 100g Lotus cold pressed soap





成份:椰子油、米糠油、橄欖油、乳木果油、蓖麻油、粉紅蓮花精華油丶乾蓮葉 粉紅蓮花油具有舒緩和鎮靜的特性,經常用於修行,以增強冥想, 促使內心平靜,並促進與神或人內在自我的聯繫。 除此之外,蓮花精油還是很好的肌膚調理品。 它能滋潤和深層滋養皮膚,減少發炎和暗瘡的爆發。 它還含有α-羥基酸(AHA) ,可以改善皮膚彈性並延緩皮膚老化。 荷葉粉則幫助深層清潔皮膚。 其收斂特性可促進肌膚的清新、緊緻、柔軟以及明顯的光澤。 自組手工梘$79 系列 Mix & Match Handmade soap of $79 collection https://cft.boutir.com/i/R8bqkmgAA PINK LOTUS OIL has soothing and calming properties, often used in spiritual practices to enhance meditation, encourage inner peace, and foster a connection to the divine or one's inner self.  Apart from that, the lotus essential oil is a great conditioner for the skin. It hydrates and deeply nourishes the skin and reduces inflammation and acne outbreaks. It also has alpha-hydroxy acids that improve the elasticity and slow down the aging of the skin. Lotus leaf powder can help deep cleansing of skin. Its astringent property promotes skin's freshness, firmness and softness and visible radiance. Ingredients: Coconut oil, Rice Bran oil, Olive oil, Caster oil, Shea butter, Pink Lotus essential oil, dried Lotus leaf powder
