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皺紋青檸深層育髮洗髮露 400ml Kaffir Lime and Herb scalp-care deepcleansing shampoo





由皺紋青檸和天然草藥泡製而成,加入天然提取的活性介面劑以代替化學起泡劑,絕不含化學成份。 本洗髮露可刺激頭髮生長,令頭髮豐盛潤黑,預防白髮,滋潤頭皮,令頭髮豐厚柔軟。同時治療頭皮、頭痕、脫髮和開叉。 成分:純水,青檸,雅囊葉,碟豆花,苦藤,香草,老薑, 月桂基葡糖苷。 用法: 先完全弄濕頭髮,取約1湯匙份量洗髮露,均勻塗抹於頭蓋上,輕輕按摩後隨即沖水(沒有泡沫的),再取約1湯匙份量洗髮露,均勻地在頭蓋及頭髮接摩多一次,便會產生豐盈泡沫,再用水沖乾淨便可。 Made from Kaffir Lime and natural herbs without any chemicals, this natural shampoo stimulates hair growth, makes the hair shiny black, prevents graying hair, nourishes the scalp and gives volume to your hair. It also reduces dandruff, itchiness, hair fall and split-end. Ingredients: Clean water, Kaffir Lime, Yanang leaf (Tiliacora Triandra), Butterfly Pea, Heart-leaved Moonseed, Lemongrass, mature Ginger root, Lauryl Glucoside. Usage: Use about 1 tbsp of the product, slightly massage onto the scalp evenly, rinse off and repeat with the same amount of product, evenly massage onto the scalp and hair, this time will lather, then rinse off completely with water.
