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有機茉莉香米粉 150g Organic Jasmine Rice powder



現今市面個人護理用品摻入許多化學品,因此傳統的天然美顏智慧再得到擁戴。純淨清香的茉香米就是其中之一。 我們的茉莉香米粉: ‧來自泰國有機耕種 ‧抗炎作用可打擊暗瘡 ‧手磨至大小適中的夥粒可磨去死皮及污垢 ‧茉香米的天然油份又可為肌膚滋潤 ‧淡化黑色素,繫退黑眼圈,煥發天然透明肌 ‧溫和不刺激,敏感部位也適用 ‧天然茉香芬芳怡神 用法: 取適量有機茉莉香米粉,結合潔膚用品,在身體或臉上輕柔打轉,然後沖水即可。 成份:有機茉莉香米 適合:所有皮膚適用 There are many chemicals on skin care products today, so the traditional wisdom of natural beauty is favoured again. Pure and fragrant jasmine rice is one of them. Our jasmine rice powder: ‧From organic farming in Thailand ‧Anti-inflammatory effect can fight acne ‧The hand-grinded to the right size helps remove dead skin and impurities ‧The natural oil of jasmine rice moisturizes the skin ‧Fight dark spots, remove dark circles, promote even skin tone ‧Gentle and non-irritating, suitable for sensitive parts ‧Attractive natural fragrance Usage: Take an appropriate amount of organic jasmine rice powder, combine with cleansing products, gently swirl on the body or face, and then rinse with water. Ingredients: Organic Jasmine Rice Suitable for all skin types
