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岩蘭草根+印度人蔘冷製皂 100g Vetiver Root & Ashwagandha cold pressed soap





少有精油是從植物根部提取的,而岩蘭草根就係當中最矜貴嘅。不單只香氣濃郁而沉穩,且具有修復皮膚作用。 呢款冷製皂,混合四種植物根部嘅強大療效,身心靈都吸收到大地嘅力量啊!🧘 岩蘭草根精油對我們的皮膚有顯著的好處。 其保濕特性可滋養和滋潤肌膚,防止乾燥並減少細紋和皺紋的出現。 它的抗炎和防腐特性可以舒緩和鎮靜受刺激的皮膚,有助於對抗暗瘡並促進膚色更加清晰。 此外,它的煥發活力的特性可以幫助淡化疤痕和痕跡,而其鎮靜的香氣則可以增強放鬆效果。 將岩蘭草根精油融入我們的日常護膚中可以使皮膚更健康、更有光澤。 Ashwagandha,也稱為印度人參,被歸類為適應原。 這思指可以有效對抗各種壓力源,包括物理、生物和化學因素。顯著特性之一是其抗發炎特性。 它能夠舒緩肌膚,使肌膚平靜、清潔、無多餘油脂,同時保留必要的水分。 此外,印度人參對皮膚有放鬆作用,抵消角化的負面影響,促進皮膚柔軟緊緻。 此外,它還可以減少黑色素的產生,保護皮膚免受色素沉著問題的影響。 成份:椰子油、米糠油、橄欖油、乳木果油、蓖麻油、 岩蘭草精華油丶印度人蔘精華油丶薑花精華油丶乾薑粉茉 自組手工梘$79 系列 Mix & Match Handmade soap of $79 collection https://cft.boutir.com/i/R8bqkmgAA Vetiver root essential oil provides significant benefits for our skin. Its moisturizing properties nourish and hydrate the skin, preventing dryness and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties soothe and calm irritated skin, helping to combat acne and promote a clearer complexion. Moreover, its rejuvenating qualities can help fade scars and marks, while its calming aroma enhances relaxation. Incorporating vetiver root essential oil into our skincare routine can result in healthier, more radiant skin.  Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is classified as an adaptogen. This means that it effectively combats various stressors, including physical, biological, and chemical factors. One of the remarkable properties of ashwagandha is its anti-inflammatory nature. It has the ability to soothe the skin, leaving it calm, clean, and free from excess oil, all while preserving essential moisture. Moreover, ashwagandha has a relaxing effect on the skin, counteracting the negative impact of keratosis and promoting a soft and firm complexion. Additionally, it plays a role in reducing melanin production, safeguarding the skin against pigmentation issues. Ingredients: Coconut oil, Rice Bran oil, Olive oil, Caster oil, Shea butter, Vetiver Root essential oil, Ashwagandha essential oil, Ginger Lily essential oil, dried Ginger powder
