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皺紋青檸頭皮健髮露 400ml Kaffir Lime + Herbs Hair and Sculpt Mask



由皺紋青檸和天然草藥泡製而成,絕不含化學成份。本健髮露屬微酸性,可刺激頭髮生長,令頭髮豐盛潤黑,預防白髮,滋潤頭皮,令頭髮豐厚柔軟。同時治療頭皮、頭痕、脫髮和開叉。 在泰國民間,Kaffir Lime 一直都是他們順手拈來的天然護髮用品,基於其酸性特質,多個科學研究指出其汁液能有效清潔洗髮水和護髮素的殘餘物,也能使頭髮健康潤黑,預防損壞開叉,更廣泛被認為有預防脫髮的功效。 Kaffir Lime的果皮,其精油成份被證實能有效抑制一種叫 Candida albicans 的酵母(中文稱為白色念珠菌),雖然是一種正常存在於人體的酵母,但是當身體免疫力下降,飲食不健康,或生活壓力大等等因素之下,這種酵母不受控地滋長時便會出現皮膚問題,包括大多數頭皮問題的元凶,而測試結果也顯示大部份人滿意對含有Kaffir Lime皮精油的洗髮露對頭皮問題的改善。 從香薰療法角度來看,皺紋青檸的濃郁香氣亦有效舒緩精神緊張,所以就算本身不是問題頭皮,用它來洗髮護髮也感覺清新脫俗。 💁‍♂️速效治理頭皮、頭痕、頭瘡 💁‍♂️明顯減少脫髮 💁‍♂️深層清潔頭皮毛囊 💁‍♂️對於染髮人士有固色效果 💁‍♂️維持頭皮頭髮健康 成份:純水,皺紋青檸,雅囊葉,苦藤,蝶豆花,香茅,老薑 建議配合 有機椰子油洗髮皂 和絲感護髮方塊一同使用 用法: 洗淨頭髮之後,將產品均勻塗於頭皮至髮根,待3-5分鐘後沖水。 問題頭皮建議每天或隔天使用。每週使用可保持頭髮及頭皮健康。 相關貼子: https://www.facebook.com/headonisthk/posts/1395145830639895 https://www.facebook.com/headonisthk/posts/1168272136660600 https://www.facebook.com/headonisthk/posts/1594757830678693 Made from Kaffir Lime and natural herbs without any chemicals, with mild acidic contidtioin, the product stimulates hair growth, makes the hair shiny black, prevents graying hair, nourishes the scalp and gives volume and softness to your hair. It also reduces dandruff, itchiness, hair fall and split-end. The essential oil of Kaffir Lime’s peel has been proven to effectively inhibit a yeast called Candida albicans . Although it is a yeast that normally exists in the human body, when the body’s immunity declines, the diet is unhealthy, or life Under stress and other factors, this yeast will cause skin problems when it grows uncontrollably, including most scalp problems, and the test results also show that most people are satisfied with shampoo containing Kaffir Lime skin essential oil Reveals the improvement of scalp problems. In aromatherapy, the rich aroma of Kaffir Lime also effectively relieves mental tension, so not only care for your hair & scalp, this product can refresh and lift up your spirit. How to use: After shampooing, apply this product evenly, from scalp, throughout hair roots to the ends, leave for 5 -10 minutes then rinse off. Recommended to use daily or every other day if having serious scalp problem, use weekly to maintain healthy scalp and hair. Ingredients: Clean water, Kaffir Lime, Yanang leaf (Tiliacora Triandra), Butterfly Pea, Heart-leaved Moonseed, Lemongrass and mature Ginger root. 💁‍♂️Quick response to dandruff, itchy sculpt, pimples 💁‍♂️Reduce hair fall 💁‍♂️Deep cleansing hair and sculpt 💁‍♂️Keep hair dye last longer 💁‍♂️Maintain healthy hair growth



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